At least I hope….
I’ve blogged before. The sort of blog that is more stream of consciousness rather than helpful to anyone. So I decided to organize this new blog in my favorite writing organizational tool: Scrivener. I thought I’d also show you what it looks like.
After the 2014 RWA Conference, I purchased a new version of Scrivener and promptly finished a short story I’d been working on for 5 years! It’s a great tool and so I decided to use its easy organization to create a framework for my friendly technology blog. You can see I’ve laid out the rest of 2014 and even put together the first three months in 2015! I’ll throw images I find into the research folder to remind me about what I want to blog about in the future.
I created a folder for each month and then created the individual pages based on my wanting to blog every week and hopefully being finished and posting every Friday. That’s basically the whole structure! If you set up a really organized way to blog, would it help you?