Canopy of the Soul,
5D’s Golden Hour
is the bridge between the worlds of 3D and 5D.
Fresh from the Old Paradigm of 3D separation and control, Aaron and Avery pioneer the manifestation of a new Human 5D civilization just beyond the Great Shift of the Ages. With illuminating graphics, clear explanations, language expansion, genuine and lighthearted characterization, Canopy of the Soul is the scientific, artistic, philosophic establishment of a New Paradigm for Earth and Earth inhabitants. Let this story support your creative process for evolving a new Human civilization, through the gateway of your imagination and spiritual intelligence. This is Your Now opportunity…to take the necessary leap into a new reality, for becoming a founder of the New 5D societal/physical reality. Discover how the unraveling of the Old Paradigm, can actualize the unfurling of a blueprint for a New world system based in freedom, that works for All.
Soul Shade – REVEALING the New Human Archetype,
is a groundbreaking evolutionary bounce…
for the cleaving edge of Humanity.
How do We separate from the planetary system which imprisons Us, and at the same time, become One with those who perpetuate it?
The invitation of all invitations, coursing unwaveringly throughout the Ages, is for Humanity to choose to evolve beyond Our hostile and divisive phase, into an era of peace, abundance, and respect for all. Where is this invitation coming from and can We reply to it in time? “Soul Shade” offers Us how to connect with Our Souls, so that more Humans can intentionally respond to this monolithic invitation, in accordance with the natural evolutionary design. As the end of this Age surges into view, a climax without the necessary proportion of responses could possibly mean that the invitation to Humankind would be withdrawn altogether. The number of Soul connections must increase in order to fulfill the divine quotient. This invitation is extended on a Soul-level, to any and all who have asked for the ability to liberate Earth inhabitants, and Nature herSelf from the confines and limitations of a harshly controlled, self-serving reality.
Accompany Aaron Boden on his evolutionary path that takes him all the way to the very end of this present Age. Authenticating multi-dimensionality, as an extension of one’s Soul, is the DNA recalibration that Aaron and others find themselves embodying. Aaron and those his Soul touches, will take you on an experiential journey, as he learns what he can and cannot trust, for transitioning out of this old hierarchical Age, envisioning real freedom for Humanity, and transcending the agenda that relentlessly works to prevent the birth of a new paradigm.
Buy it on Amazon, or get a signed copy.
ChAMbers of Consciousness – Assemblage Points for Self-Governed Planetary Community